Integrated fsp KP Training-Program

Achtung!!!Medical Terminology exam (Fachsprachprufung) is now a “Mini” Approbation exam(Kenntnisprufung) We offer an integrated Medical language exam (FSP) & Equivalency exam (Kenntnisprüfung-KP) preparation program in Germany. This unique approach goes a long way in maintaining our 100% success record.Ground reality: FSP has become “Mini-KP”In the past, most foreign doctors in Germany took a sequential approach; […]
Hospitation Experience Indian Doctor in Germany

We are doing our hospitation right now, from morning 8 to evening 4 and we have a language course three days a week from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Both of us are doing practicals in Neurology but at different hospitals. Our hospitals are reachable by public transport and are really good in terms of […]
Specialization Biochemistry

Knowledge, experience and skills in: the general content of training for Sections B and C the general and physical chemistry, including reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry and the theory of chemical bonding and the equilibrium states and the biological statistics and data processing biochemical reactions to foreign substances, the mechanisms of action of groups of substances […]
What are the Options After MBBS Study

Are you about to complete your MBBS or have you already completed the MBBS?? Are you thinking about what to do after MBBS?? Are you confused between the options, whether to study further or practice medicine?? Be careful while choosing your future because a lot of people waste their time in confusion what to do […]
What qualities and skills do you need in order to pass the Kenntnisprufung(KP)?

Have sufficient medical knowledge at German M3 level. – MBBS Level Be able to explain in detail how you will apply your medical knowledge to real -life cases in a German hospital. Be able to demonstrate to the examiners that you are mature and able to handle stressful situations with poise. You are well adapted […]
How strict are the Kenntnisprufung?(KP) examiners?

Examiners are generally friendly and have a positive attitude. They do not behave authoritative or superior to the exam candidates. They aim to conduct a friendly professional conversation “among equals” with the exam candidates. Examiners do not like submissiveness but expect to see you being self-confident and pro-active in communication. They simply don’t like to […]
What is Kenntnisprufung?(KP)- The Permanent licensing Exam in Germany

KP is not like PGNEET! It is not a written exam in MCQ format. There is no grading or ranking which affects your choice of branch. The result is only PASS or FAIL. KP is holistic. It is not only about reproduction of deep theoretical knowledge, but it’s checks whether the candidate is well prepared […]

Consultant / Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Examination and treatment procedures :at the hand 100in volume and skeletal system, tendons aton the skin and subcutaneous soft tissues, including the vascular systemanalysis of peripheral nervesinterventions in the initial treatment of burns and to treat combustion consequences, whereof: primary careIntensive measuresRestoring the skin cloakFor correction of burn […]
Fachsprachprufung (FSP)-Temporary Licensing Exam Experience

This is my FSP experience in Düsseldorf. The examiners are experienced Physicians. The content of the FSP is a case study of a typical situation in a hospital.Basically, the exam has three parts. Each part is 20 mins long. Part 1 (Doctor-Patient conversation)It’s basically history taking. I was lucky to have a patient who didn’t ask […]
My FSP Preparation Strategy- Dr Jeffrey Soundarajan – PSG Coimbatore

The point where I started preparing for my FSP- Although a lot of you commonly believe that this is where the actual preparation starts, I personally believe it started when I started those language( A1 – B2) classes. If you’re reading this article then I am sure by now you know what happens in FSP. […]